How do I send an email using ESPC Legal?

There are a few places where you can find the functionality to send an email in a transaction. Firstly it is on the toolbar along the top of the page shown as an envelope icon. It is also shown on the Tools tab on the left-hand side of the page. Finally, it can be found by clicking on the email … Read More

How do I send an email to a specific ESPC Legal transaction?

By sending an email with the subject line including #espclegal followed by the transaction reference number (e.g #espclegal-1234), your message and attachments will automatically appear in the Digital File widget of the relevant transaction. You can drag and drop the attachments to the Sorting Office widget to await checking before moving the document to the relevant Document widget or Personal … Read More

What is the Digital File?

The Digital File widget displays emails and other correspondence to or from any contact. Emails sent from ESPC Legal will populate this widget and appear as a sent email. Emails you send and receive in your MS Outlook account that have “#espclegal-ref number” in the subject header will also be placed in this widget. Please ensure your systems have been … Read More