How do I send an email to a specific ESPC Legal transaction?

By sending an email with the subject line including #espclegal followed by the transaction reference number (e.g #espclegal-1234), your message and attachments will automatically appear in the Digital File widget of the relevant transaction. You can drag and drop the attachments to the Sorting Office widget to await checking before moving the document to the relevant Document widget or Personal … Read More

What is the ‘Other Side’ widget?

This is a widget that you can update when you know which firm is acting on the other side of the case. If the other side firm is a single branch firm, the widget will default to that branch. If it is a multi-branch firm you must choose the appropriate branch. You can also add the matter reference of the … Read More

What are the ‘Transaction Details’?

This widget allows users to capture outline details of the case. Information such as the matter reference, agreed price, date of entry, etc. These details can be used when ESPC Legal pre-populates documents.

What are the ‘Purchaser Details’?

These are the personal details of the Purchaser. This information is used when ESPC Legal pre-populates documents. If you are acting on behalf of the Seller, you will ONLY be able to amend these details if the other side firm: does not use ESPC Legal; or if they do use ESPC Legal, they have not ‘accepted’ the invite If the … Read More

What are the ‘Seller Details’?

These are the personal details of the Seller. This information is used when ESPC Legal pre-populates documents. If you are acting on behalf of the Purchaser, you will ONLY be able to amend these details if the other side firm: does not use ESPC Legal; or if they do use ESPC Legal, they have not ‘accepted’ the invite If the … Read More