Can I add a contact to the contacts page without having transacted with them on ESPC Legal?

Yes, please do! The contacts page acts as a CRM system for your customers and you are welcome to use it as such. You can add contact notes, add lender details and documents to their Personal Details Vault.

Please be aware that ‘Contacts’ in ESPC Legal are ‘Contact Groups’ rather than individual contacts. Example:

If you simply added Leigh Smith to the Contact Group for John Smith (Contact Group 1), Leigh Smith would also appear in the sale property file.

You have a client called John Smith who is selling a property that he owns. He is also purchasing a property with a partner, let’s call his partner Leigh Smith. In ESPC Legal you would have two contacts (Contact Groups):

Contact Group 1 for the sale of the property, containing John Smith only.

Contact Group 2 for the purchase of a property containing John Smith and Leigh Smith.

If you simply added Leigh Smith to the Contact Group for John Smith (Contact Group 1), Leigh Smith would also appear in the sale property file.